Magnetism Spanish Club
Member of
Twinned society


The Spanish Magnetism Club is a non-profit professional association (Num. 169,773), with the following objectives:


  • Increasing the interactions between the members in both scientific and technological matters related to Magnetism, and facilitating their relations with groups, organizations and companies.
  • Disseminating information related to events related to magnetism, both at conferences, talks, seminars, calls for projects, or research grants, scholarships, etc.
  • Creating a database, accessible to all members, with activities, research capabilities, characterization methods, determination of magnetic parameters, simulation and design, etc.
  • Influencing, as far as possible, on the Administration to favor the common interests of the members in relation to the promotion of the activity in R&D in Magnetism.
  • Any other non-profit activity related to Magnetism that is proposed by the members and approved by the general assembly.
© 2023 Club Español de Magnetismo
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